The purpose of this conceptual paper was to provide key details for how practitioners can build a bridge between the Change Management (CM) and the Project Management (PM) tasks and roles in organizations. This paper is a conceptual paper discussing the integration of CM and PM in organizations and provides one approach to utilize this integration in a practical work environment. This approach was both specific and replicable in most business environments where projects are the key vehicle in delivering changes across the organization. This paper illustrated one way to integrate change through a framework of utilizing existing project team members in the role of project “change lead”; operational leaders in a change-champion capacity; and change-management experts in a centralized role to consult, control, and ensure consistency throughout the change journey. This concept is one strategic approach to CM and PM integration were created to utilize people as a resource in change projects. The approach adds value (1) to PMs needing assistance in CM integration and (2) to CMs integrating change projects within their organizations.
Keywords Change Champion, Change Management, Project Change Lead, project Management
CITATION: Dicianno, J. E., & Gigliotti, A. (2018). Integrated change management and project management strategic framework. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 5(4), 2189 - 2198.
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