Though improving the industrial sector has been a major focus for many developing countries including Ethiopia, satisfying studies have not been conducted on the sector. This paper tried to evaluate the economic performance of alcohol and liquor factory with particular reference to National Alcohol and Liquor factory in terms of productivity, profitability, capacity utilization, marketing and the socio-economic contribution of the factory. The study used the descriptive method of data presentation and the main data source of the study which was the published and unpublished document of the factory from the period 2011 to 2018. The findings showed that the whole productivities, measured by total factor productivity index was almost stagnating in each production year of the study considers. Regarding market performance, the study found out that the factory promoted modern marketing strategy and it became beneficiary from the strategic location since it touched on every part of the country through its product. Generally, the result of the study showed that even though the performance of the factory was increasing over the year under consideration, there was still a better way of increasing the performance of the factory. The study recommended for efficient utilization of the existing resource, technological advancement, managerial efficiency and incentives from the concerned body of the government.
Keywords: Industry, performance, evaluation, utilization, Ethiopia.
CITATION: Habtamu, L. (2018). The economic performance of Ethiopian alcohol and liquor industry: with reference to national alcohol and liquor factory. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 5(4), 2259 - 2272.
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