The focus of this research was to investigate on the distribution strategies that can effectively market the country as a tourist destination. The researcher used cross sectional research design where both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied. The study adopted a structured questionnaire to collect data from a total of 250 respondents consisting of tourists leaving the country from Jomo Kenyatta international airport. Reliability testing was carried out using Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha test. Descriptive and inferential Analysis was carried out. Inferential Statistics used the regression models and ANOVA. The study found out that distribution strategies had a positive and significant influence on international tourism demand in Kenya. The beta coefficients revealed that distribution strategy was ranked as the highest marketing strategy. Results further revealed that government regulations moderated the relationship between distribution strategies and international tourism demand in Kenya. The study recommended that the destination management organizations in Kenya should put more emphasis on distribution strategy since it had the greatest impact on level of international tourism demand. More emphasis should be laid on internet content especially photos and video and social media content that inspire diverse tourists and consequently influenced majority of the tourists’ decision to travel to Kenya.
Key Words: Distribution Strategies, Government Regulations, Tourism Demand in Kenya
CITATION: Kyunguti, E. M., Juma, D., & Gathondu, B. G. (2019). Influence of distribution strategy on the international tourism demand in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 75 – 90
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