The study aimed to establish the effect of work life balance on career salience in the five star hotels industry in Kenya. This study was guided by role theory. The research was explanatory and follows a cross-sectional survey design. The total population for this study was 4,465 employees and managers of five star rated hotels in Nairobi City County. The desired sample size was 196 respondents. The study used structured questionnaires as the main instruments for collecting primary data from respondents and in some instances document analysis was used as source of secondary data. The researcher used drop and pick method while administering questionnaires to the respondents. The data was analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) to obtain descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Data collected was first edited, formatted and organized for coding into the SPSS data viable table. The study hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis. This study revealed that work life balance significantly influenced career salience in five star hotels in Kenya. The study concluded that employees working in organisations where priority is also given to their other aspects of life other than work commitments feel more satisfied and engaged in their work. Therefore work life balance is an essential component in ensuring career salience among employees. The study recommended that companies should have adequate work life balance policy that include leave days, provision for maternity leave that would go a long way in ensuring people continues with their normal life besides work. The best work-life balance is different for each of employees because we all have different priorities and different lives therefore work life balance should in a manner that accommodates everyone.
Keywords: Leadership Styles, Hotels and Career Salience
CITATION: Otado, N. O., Were, S., & Odhiambo, R. O. (2019). Influence of work life balance on career salience in 5 star hotels in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 336 – 347.
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