The general objective of this study was to establish the effect of succession planning approaches on operational performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. The study established that corporate mentoring has great effect on the operational performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, talent management affects the operational performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority in a moderate extent while career development and communication responsibilities affect the operational performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority in a great extent. It was concluded that corporate mentoring has a positive effect on the performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, communication responsibilities, corporate mentorship, talent management and career management have a positive effect on the operational performance of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. Its was recommended that Kenya Civil Aviation Authority should focus on implementing structured socialization as well as discussions among its employees. The study also recommended that Kenya Civil Aviation Authority should focus more on corporate mentoring to ensure that older workers continue to mentor the younger workers. The study further recommended that Kenya Civil Aviation Authority ought to look at their communication methods and consider what each of the communications methods used by their employees is expected to attain and if the communications means used are reaching their objectives. There is need for further research in this area more so in the determination of the effect of political instability on the performance of Kenyan air transport. Another recommendation was that more factors that affect the service delivery of the Kenyan aviation industry should be studied.
Key Words: Corporate Mentorship, Talent Management, Career Management, Communication Responsibilities, Operational Performance
CITATION: Muyodi, M. K., Nyangau, S. P., & Kwamboka, L. (2019). Effect of succession planning approaches on operational performance of air transport industry: A case study of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 418 – 439.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i1.1066
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