Human capital is the most precious and important asset of any organization and as such, employee job satisfaction has now become one of the top priority areas in every industry. Most studies on employee job satisfaction have been conducted in the developed countries and particularly on the private sector with fewer studies conducted on NGOs which operate in different environments and challenges. There seems to be no study on the factors affecting employee job satisfaction in Zambia’s NGO sector and against this background, this study was undertaken to fill the information gap. The purpose of this study was to identify the main factors affecting employee job satisfaction in the non-governmental organizations in Zambia using Herzberg two-factor theory. The study was conducted using a descriptive survey research design. The target population consisted of 64 fixed term employees of 3 NGO’s which are IITA, MCA-Zambia and PATH. Fifty-five (55) questionnaires were distributed to the three (3) organizations, and a total of 51 questionnaires were filled and returned representing a response rate of 92.7%. The findings of this study indicate that among the six (6) job facets identified by Herzberg, only promotion/growth, job security, pay/allowances and recognition were the main factors affecting employee job satisfaction in the NGOs sector in Zambia. Based on these findings, a framework of factors that could help improve employee job satisfaction was developed.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Factors, Herzberg two-factor Theory
CITATION: Banda, P. (2023). A framework of factors affecting employee job satisfaction in non-governmental organizations in Zambia. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 11 – 22.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i3.1081
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