This study investigated the influence of management innovation changes on efficient water services provision in the Lake Victoria north region, Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive survey design and targeted four water services providers with 98 management staff. Since the target population was less than 100 respondents, a census method was used to select all the 98 respondents to participate in the study. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize data. Analyzed data was presented using tables and graphs. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were computed using SPSS version 24. Multiple regression results showed that management innovation changes significantly influenced the dependent variable (efficient water services provision in the Lake Victoria north region, Kenya). The study concluded that that management innovation changes in terms of new management practices, process, structures and techniques in the water management systems boost efficient water services provision in the Lake Victoria north region. The study recommend that water service boards in the Lake Victoria north region should embrace collaborative management innovation changes in terms of new management practices, process, structures and techniques in the water management systems so as to boost efficient water services provision in the Lake Victoria north region.
Key Words: Management Innovation, Water Services Provision, Lake Victoria, Kenya
CITATION: Okaalo, B. M., & Okello, B. (2019). Influence of management innovation changes on efficient water services provision in the Lake Victoria North region, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (1), 637 – 646.
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