The medical supplies sector is key to functional health care systems worldwide. This sector is currently facing numerous challenges in its mandate to provide quality and efficacious products. Statistics estimate that over 25% of the medical products consumed developing countries are substandard. The study evaluated factors contributing to proliferation of substandard medical products in Kenya. The factors examined include regulation, supply chain, handling and storage, demand and workmanship. It was carried out in Kiambu and Ruiru Districts. A descriptive survey research design was applied on a target population of 44 assorted medical outlets. Respondents were conveniently sampled using a questionnaire and data analyzed using SPSS. Findings were presented in form of frequency distribution tables, charts and percentages. The study revealed absence of industry policy and guiding documents in majority of operators and that cooperation between stakeholders was loose. Demand was rated as ‘very important’ motivation fueling circulation of substandard medical products. On workmanship, it was confirmed that quality variation between manufacturers is significant. On ICT use, only about half of the respondents employed ICT tools in service and majority was satisfied with how authorities were employing technology to confront the problem of substandard products.
Key words: Functional Healthcare, Efficacious Products, Quality Variation
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.109
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