This study aimed at establishing the determinants of successful implementation of strategic change among the state corporations in Kenya. Specific objective of the study encompassed the assessment of the influence of involving stakeholders on successful implementation of strategic change. The study targeted all 392 State Corporation in Kenya, from eighteen (18) functional categories. A questionnaire containing both open ended and closed ended questions was used to collect primary data while secondary data was gathered through reviews of both theoretical and empirical literature. Pilot study was carried out on 32 participants representing 10 percent of the size of the sample. The pilot study aim was to test both the reliability and validity of the research instruments. The reliability was assessed with the use of Cronbach’s alpha. The analysis of the primary data was carried out with the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive statistics were tabulated into percentages of participants’ responses. Conversely, inferential statistics aided the determination of the association between variables, and was applied using correlation and multiple regressions. The study revealed that stakeholder involvement had a significant bearing on successful implementation of strategic change among state owned entities in Kenya. The study concluded that stakeholder involvement affects the successful implementation of strategic change in state corporations in Kenya. The study recommended that State Corporations, during times of implementation of Strategic Change, should religiously involve stakeholders & employees, allocate sufficient resources as well as use coercion when necessary.
Key Words: strategic change, stakeholder involvement
CITATION: Kimaku, P. M., Omwenga, J., & Nzulwa, J. (2019). Determinants of successful implementation of strategic change in state corporations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 82 – 95.
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