This study adopted a descriptive study to collect data from all the 90 respondents sampled using structured questionnaires. Data collected was analyzed using Quantitative data analysis including descriptive and inferential statistics. Deductions were then made of the influence of M&E on project sustainability from the results of the study. The results indicated a strong correlation between all of the independent variables – M&E organisational factors, Human Capacity for M&E, Partnerships in M&E and Communication in M&E; and project sustainability. However, according to the findings, organisations have yet to develop adequate Human Capacity in M&E. The R Squared value for all the variables was 0.769 indicating that the study results explained 76.9% of the total variation in Project Sustainability which can be attributed to unit change in the four independent variables. The study recommended that organisations need to enhance their human capacity for M&E by improving their recruitment policies for M&E through research into the appropriate skills requirements by benchmarking on industrial leaders. It further recommends that organisations need to include more institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies who will provide much needed financial acumen to enhance their economic sustainability. Additionally, organisations should ensure that they establish critical linkages with other organisations in order to enhance their M&E functions and activities. Finally, the study recommended that communication in M&E should be linked to strategic objectives and must be based on high quality information.
Key words: Monitoring and Evaluation, Human Capacity, Partnerships, Sustainable Project
CITATION: Njeri, J. W., & Omwenga, J. Q. (2019). Influence of monitoring and evaluation practices on sustainable projects – A case study of the national aids control council. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 132 – 152.
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