The purpose of this study was to establish how E-procurement influence performance of state corporations in Kenya. The study employed descriptive research design with sample population of 127 State Corporations in Kenya. The study used primary data which was collected using a comprehensive questionnaire. Quantitative data collected was analysed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS (version 23). The study findings indicated a very strong postive relationship between the independent variables and depedent variable. The study concluded that the set of independent variables were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to enhance perfomance of the state corporation in Kenya. The study recommended that there was need to enhance E-Ordering to enhance electronic preparation of specification to facilitate error reduction in the specifications for the goods to be procured. E-ordering also enhances electronic advertisement of tender and transmission of bid documents to tenderers for filling can reduce the bureaucracy in the bid evaluation process to enhance time savings. The study recommended that E-sourcing can foster integrity in the procurement process. It can also facilitate evaluation improvement especially on the audit trail in bid evaluation thus contributing to transparency in the tendering process. It can also enhance transmission of contract awarded results to bidders to enhance faster dissemination of information. The study recommended for the E-ordering especially for electronic preparation of purchase order to enhance error reduction to foster accuracy in the orders prepared. The electronic approval of purchase can help the supplier minimize manual paper trail thus reduction in the stationery expenses. This would facilitate the faster information exchange thus good buyer/supplier relationship. Electronic transmission of purchase order to the supplier allows faster delivery of goods. The study recommended for E-Invoicing especially receiving of invoices from the suppliers allows error reduction in the invoices thus enhancing accuracy of invoice details. Electronic approval of invoices allowed management to visualize the status on each tendering process thus enhanced transparency.
Key Words: E-tendering, E-sourcing, E-ordering, E-invoicing, State Corporations
CITATION: Ingavo, J. A., & Moronge, M. (2019). Influence of e-procurement on performance of state corporations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 348 – 362.
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