The aim of this study was to investigate on the factors influencing budget process in donor funded projects in Kenya: a case of United States Self-Help Funded Projects in Nairobi City County. The study objectives were; to determine the influence of technology on budgeting process in donor funded projects in United States Self-Help Funded Projects in Nairobi, to establish the influence of employee’s competences on budgeting process in donor funded project in United States Self-Help Funded Projects in Nairobi, to examine the influence of donor specifications on donor funded projects in United States Self-Help Funded Projects in Nairobi and to determine how the leadership and culture influence the budgeting process in donor funded projects in United States Self-Help Funded Projects in Nairobi.
Keywords: Budget Process, Donor Funded Projects
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.112
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