The study was conducted to evaluate the components prompting the completion of building construction projects in Kenya: a case study of Nairobi County. It had four specific objectives which were; to determine how stakeholders, project financing, project planning and how project supervision impact on the completion of building construction projects in Nairobi County. The study assumed a descriptive survey research design in which 68 randomly selected respondents; Architects, Quantity surveyors, Developers; Project managers and Civil/ Structural engineers to which questionnaires were administered. Data was collected, examined and checked for completeness and clarity, coded and logged in the computer and analyzed using SPSS. Regression and correlations tables were used to present the findings. Results went through a critical assessment of each response and examined using thematic interpretation in accordance with the main objectives of the study and thereafter presented in narrative excerpts within the report. The study established that stakeholder involvement played a critical role in determining the completion of building Construction Projects. Most respondents had a reservation about the Project manager considering stakeholders’ interests whereas others disagreeing with the fact that financial disclosure was a common occurrence in projects. It was however recommended that in order to achieve completion of building construction projects, it was important for the project manager to ensure that all stakeholders in the project were involved in the right stages and their views and interests were taken into account. They should be sensitized on the likely delays which could influence the delay and eventually cost of the project.
Key words: Stake Holder Involvement, Project Financing, Project Planning, Project Supervision Completion of Building Construction Projects.
CITATION: Siati, A. O., Nzulwa, J., & Kwena, R. (2019). Determinants of completion of building construction projects in Kenya: A case study of Nairobi County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 702 –716.
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