Talent management involves positioning the right people in the right jobs for competitive advantage. Many organizations at times fail to engage in the activities that enhance their talent pipelines, equip individuals with critical knowledge and skills, and deny employee an opportunity to enhance teamwork or be engaged to their jobs. This leads to many negative employee outcomes that affect the organizational outcomes because business objectives are not linked to individual competencies. The study aimed at investigating the effect of talent management on employee outcomes at Central Bank of Kenya. The independent variables were talent attraction, talent retention, employee training and career management while the dependent variable was employee outcomes; i.e. teamwork, job satisfaction and employee engagement. The sample for this study was 130 staff drawn from the population of about 700 staff at CBK’s head office. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of talent management on employee outcomes at the Central Bank of Kenya. The specific objectives were to establish the effects of talent attraction, find out the effects of talent retention, determine the effect of employee training, establish the effect of career management on employee outcomes and find out the combined effect of talent management on employee outcomes. The study adopted a descriptive survey of the staff of Central Bank of Kenya. Primary data was used in the study through use of questionnaires. After the collection of data the study used the SPSS (Version 20) to analyse the data. Descriptive analysis which aims at finding out what, where and how of a phenomenon was used mainly to summarize the data collected. The data was presented using statistical measures such as pie charts and frequency tables. A regression model was used in predicting the relationship between employee outcomes and various aspects of talent management. The descriptive statistical analysis of this study’s findings revealed that employee outcomes (in this case teamwork, job satisfaction and employee engagement) are significantly influenced by talent attraction, retention, employee training and career management at CBK.
Key Words: Talent Attraction, Talent Retention, Employee Training, Career Management, Employee Outcomes, Teamwork, Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.115
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