Over the last few years, the internet has changed the way business is done in every industry. E-procurement has dramatically changed the way purchasing is done. Both public and private sector institutions have embraced the benefits accrued from E-procurement practices. The Kenyan government has recognized adoption of ICT in service delivery to the public and its citizens in the Constitution. However, even given the potential benefits of e-procurement, most of the government ministries have not effectively implemented the e-procurement practices. This study sought to investigate the factors influencing the implementation of e-procurement in the Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination of National Government. The target population of this study was staff working in various Departments of the Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination of National Government and whose head office is in Nairobi. The study employed the stratified random sampling technique to come up with a sample size of 67 respondents from a population of 168. This study relied mostly on primary data collected by use of questionnaires. The study generated both qualitative and quantitative data.
Keywords: top management commitment, ICT infrastructure
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.118
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