This study investigated the influence of E-procurement on the operational performance. A Case of County Government of Kakamega. Theories in the study were Innovation Diffusion Theory, Technology Acceptance Theory and Transaction Cost Theory. Descriptive survey design was used. The target population was 125 employees in county government of Kakamega headquarters, where Yamame’s formula was used to get a sample size of 95 who were selected using simple random sampling technique. Structured questionnaire were used to collect data from respondents.and data analyzed using statistical packages of social science (SPSS, 24). Descriptive summarized data using frequencies, percentages, means while inferential data analysis was used for variable relationships. Data wa presented in form of tables and graphs. From a total of 95 questionnaires that were dispatched for data collection, 87 questionnaires were returned when completely filled, representing a response rate of 91.6% which is good for generalizability of the research findings to a wider population. Both descriptive and inferential statistics indicated that all independent variables (e-sourcing, e-supplier selection, e-ordering, e-payment) significantly influenced organization operations perforamnce of county government of Kakamega. The study concluded that; e-sourcing significantly influences organization operations performance by saving on costs and time secondly, e-payment significantly influences organization operations performance by reducing fraudulent transactions in the manual payment system. The study recommended that; county governments as public entities should embrace e-sourcing as an effective way of saving costs and time in the procurement process and secondly; county governments should adopt a secure and upgraded e-payment system to reduce fraudulent transactions prompted by the manual payment system.
Key Words: E- sourcing, E- supplier selection, E- ordering, E-payment, County Government of Kakamega.
CITATION: Sirengo, M. N., & Ndolo, J. (2019). Influence of electronic procurement on operational performance of County Government of Kakamega. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1788 –1806.
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