The general objective of the study was to establish the determinants of work life balance in public universities in Kenya; a case of Moi University. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the effect of organization support on work- life balance in Public universities in Kenya, to determine the effect of job design on work- life balance in Public universities in Kenya, to examine the effect of organization culture on work- life balance in Public universities in Kenya and to assess the effect of work-life policies on work- life balance in Public universities in Kenya. This study adopted both descriptive research design and a case study approach. The target population of this study was the 3014 staff at Moi University. The study adopted Yamane formula to calculate sample size, thus the sample size was 353 respondents. Multistage sampling method was used in this study. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered. The quantitative data was analyzed using inferential statistics while qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The inferential statistics involved the use of a regression model. Organization support is a determinant of work life balance in public universities in Kenya. The superiors support a balance between the work of the employees and their family life. Job design was found to be a key determinant of work life balance. Job sharing arrangement in the institution was effective, the job was well designed outlining the number of hours they have to spend in their job and to offer good work and rest schedule. Organization culture had a significant effect on work life balance. Work family policies determine work life balance in public universities. The employees had no conflict between work and life interests since working policies were efficient. The study recommended that the institutions should continue providing a culture that supports employees’ families. Job sharing culture should be maintained to allow work life balance for the employees. The institutions should effectively implement such policies that govern employees work schedules. The working policy should have provisions to enable employees to take time away from work and control over workload.
Key Words: organization support, job design, organization culture, work- life balance
CITATION: Mwathi, L. N., & Nzulwa, J. (2019). Determinants of work life balance in public universities in Kenya: A case of Moi University. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1829 –1842.
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