Strategic change management practices have been applied by many institutions while others rarely attempt to apply while some not applying at all. This results to discrepancies in the performances of institutions. This study focused on the effects of strategic change management practices on the performance of Public Secondary schools in Kisii County. The specific objectives were; to establish the effects of stakeholder’s management on Public Secondary schools performance in Kisii County to determine the effect of strategic planning on performance of Public Secondary schools in Kisii County, and to assess the effect of strategic leadership on performance of Public Secondary schools in Kisii County. The target population consisted of 274 Public Secondary schools principals in Kisii County. The data was analysed by use of statistical package of social science version 21. The study concluded that strategic planning had a positive significant effect on performance of secondary public secondary school. However there is a positive correlation between strategic leadership and public secondary schools performance. This implied that change in strategic change management practices results to relatively positive performance public secondary schools in Kisii County. Thus, there is significant relationship between strategic change management and public secondary schools performance. The study recommended that strategic leadership in public secondary school should be improved through strategic change management practices. Thus, the study suggested for another study to be conducted on the effect of strategic plans on performance of other private institutions.
Key Words: Stakeholder’s Management, Strategic Planning, Strategic Leadership, Strategic Change
CITATION: Mairura, V. S., & Atambo, W. (2019). Effect of strategic change management practices on performance of public secondary schools: A survey of public secondary schools in Kisii County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1919 –1935.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1228
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