The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of supplier management on procurement performance in selected state corporates in Kenya. As a review the research was to investigate procurement performance in selected state corporates in Kenya. This was by raising a two-staged model including procurement processes and the procurement performance. Descriptive survey design was used to describe and establish the relationship among the key study variables. The target population of this study was all the two hundred and thirty (230) state corporations as published through the executive order number 2 of 2013. Stratified sampling was used to determine the sample unit. Primary and secondary sources of data were collected using questionnaires. To determine the patterns revealed in the data collected regarding the selected variables, data analysis was guided by the aims and objectives of the research and the measurement of the data to be collected. The study findings established that organization assisted the supplier how best to manage the contracts awarded to them and that the organization set the deadline on when the contract should be delivered. The study established that the organization checks financial status of suppliers before selection. The study also established that the organization developed a cooperative relationship with appropriate suppliers and that the influence of the relationships strategies between a buyer and a seller depends on the benefits perceived by both parties. Study concluded that the supplier are assisted by the organization on how to best manage the contracts awarded to them and that the organization sets the deadline on when the contract should be delivered. The study recommended that the organization should maintain mutual relationships with suppliers and help the suppliers on how to manage their contracts so as to achieve highest quality. The study recommended that the selection of suppliers should be based on previous performance.
Key Words: Supplier Relationship Management, Supplier Integration, Supplier Selection, Supplier Base Managements, Procurement Performance
CITATION: Kanini, R. B., & Wandera, J. (2019). Effect of supplier management on procurement performance in selected state corporates in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 1870 –1978.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1231
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