This study investigated the relationship between the total quality management practices of leadership skills, employee training, technology use and the service delivery of the Global Programs for Research and Training Organization working in Kenya. It has been noted that poor service delivery by many non-governmental organizations across the world has become rampant leading to the collapse of many of them. As a result, there is now increased focus on management and boards to ensure that they always act in the best interests of their organizations. Through Total Quality Management, all stakeholders are part and parcel of all the organizational activities geared towards ensuring the continual improvement of the goods and services they provide. The study was a descriptive one and the target population were the fifty seven (57) respondents who comprised of all the staff of Global Programs for Research and Training in Kenya. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and the response rate in this study was sixty five percent which was appropriate for making conclusions. Quantitative data was analysed using percentages, frequencies, mean, standard deviation and regression analysis. Results of analysis were presented using figures and tables. The findings of the study demonstrated that the studied Total Quality Management practices had a positive and significant effect on service delivery in Global Programs. It is therefore critical for the Global Programs for Research and Training organization in Kenya to continue investing in their leadership, employees as well as technology to support good service delivery.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Service Delivery, Leadership Skills, Employee Training and Technology Use
CITATION: Muli-Kinagwi, S. K., & Muthimi, J. (2019). Total quality management practices and service delivery of the global programs for research and training organization in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2214 – 2223.
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