Cases of collapse of buildings which lead to subsequent loss of lives and property are prevalent in Kenya. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons which include poor designs and non-compliance, cost cutting and use of sub-standard material, lack of quality control, and use of incompetent contactors. The NCA is mandated to register and regulate the undertakings of construction projects in Kenya. This study aimed at investigating factors affecting the National Construction Authority on regulating building construction projects in Nairobi County, Kenya with specific objectives being; to determine the influence of Quality control on regulating building construction projects, to assess the influence of finance involved on regulating building construction projects, to investigate the effect of Contractors Competency on regulating building construction projects and to investigate the effect of Construction policies on regulating building construction projects. The scope of the study was targeting all construction projects in Nairobi County Kenya. The research adopted a mixed research design approach which was then incorporated with both qualitative and quantitative elements of research. A sample size of 208 contractors from Nairobi County and National Construction Authority officials were used for this research. The study found that quality control, Resource planning, contractors competency and construction policies were the major issues that must be looked in to for the successful regulation of building construction works and that National Construction Authority has a mandate to oversee the regulation policies of building construction are followed in order to reduce cases of building failures and subsequent collapse in Kenya. The study therefore recommended that the NCA should come up a taskforce to oversee compliance of safety measures and on regular basis do building inspections. It further recommended that there should be adequate law enforcement by the authority with regards to regulation of buildings. Finally the study suggested that more research should be done to examine the influence of contractors’ competency on quality of building constructions.
Key Words: Quality control, finance, Contractors Competency, Construction policies, construction projects
CITATION: Otido, J., & Omwenga, J. Q. (2019). Factors affecting national construction authority on regulating building construction projects in Nairobi City County, Kenya . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2354 – 2368.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i2.1254
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