The main purpose of this research study was to assess the influence of strategic planning on effective service delivery in County Government of Bungoma, Kenya. A Descriptive and correlation research design was adopted for the study. The study was anchored on Goal setting. The target population consisted of 130 respondents consisting of the county executive committee member, chief officer, directors, an accountant, finance officer, economist, supply chain officer and office administrators from the ten (10) departments in County Government of Bungoma including the office of the governor, human resource and county public service board as at January 2018. All the targeted 130 respondents in the 10 ministries in the County Government of Bungoma were sampled, thus forming a census study since the targeted population was specific in nature and limited in number. The questionnaire was used as the data collection instruments. Pilot study was conducted in the County Government of Kakamega using a sample size of 20 respondents to test the validity of the constructs of the questionnaire. Validity of the constructs of the questionnaire was further tested by a review of the supervisors while reliability was tested using reliability test. Data analysis and interpretation was based on descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics mainly using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS). From the findings the significance test indicated that strategic planning is important in predicting effective service delivery as indicated by the results. The study hopes good relationship in organization would foster strategic planning and effective service delivery so as to ensure institutions are run professionally and therefore perform well. The study is important for the need for county governments to encourage strategic planning since it improves effective service delivery.
Key Words: strategic planning, service delivery, County Government of Bungoma
CITATION: Mukholi, N. W., Okello, B., & Mukanzi, C. (2019). Influence of strategic planning on effective service delivery in the county government of Bungoma, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2224 – 2234.
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