The women development projects contribute significantly to uplifting the standard of living of the projects' beneficiaries. Such development projects are rarely sustained and mostly collapse shortly after the termination or withdrawal of NGOs or donor support. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of stakeholder’s participation on sustainability of women funded projects in Carolina for Kibera. The study used the descriptive survey design approach. The study population consisted of 74 members of the NGOs, 10 project managers, 10 finance officer and 10 project coordinators and 33 medical staff and 11 support staff. Data collection methods included questionnaires. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed using quantitative methods and the data representation was in form of graphs and pie charts. The study used questionnaires of which 51 respondents returned the questionnaires. On the primary data, questionnaires were used to collect data. The researcher administered the questionnaires individually to all respondents. The quantitative data in this research was analyzed by descriptive statistics using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics included frequency, and percentages to profile sample characteristics and major patterns emerging from the data. The study found that stakeholder’s participation was indeed very important for sustainability of women funded project. The study concluded that the trends put into place in a-bid to sustain projects had greatly improved over the years.
Key Words: Stakeholder’s Participation, Sustainability, Women Funded Projects, Carolina for Kibera
CITATION: Magero, I., & Muchelule, Y. (2019). Influence of stakeholder’s participation on sustainability of women funded projects in Carolina for Kibera. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2248 – 2258.
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