The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of automation systems on service delivery in selected Huduma Centers in Kenya. Specifically, it sought to establish the influence of automation systems, knowledge management systems, cross-functional integration and system performance reporting on service delivery at Huduma Centers in Kenya. The study was anchored on Technology Acceptance Model. The study used descriptive survey research design targeting three Huduma centers at Kisumu, Eldoret and Baringo. The accessible population was 153 Huduma Center’s personnel and 1150 members of the public on average visiting the Huduma Centers for services on a daily basis. From this, a sample size of 192 was obtained and selected using both purposive and stratified random sampling methods. Data was collected using questionnaires, analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods and the findings presented in tables, intepreted and discussed. The study concluded that Automation systems have a statistically significant influence on service delivery in Huduma Centres in Kenya. Additionally, the study concluded that unit increase in Automation systems leads to an increase in Service delivery at Huduma Centres in Kenya. The study recommended that automation systems should be enhanced in the Huduma Centres to ensure greater service delivery. The findings of this study would help the Government in policy formulation; the Summit of Huduma Kenya in knowing the contribution of automating systems in improving public service delivery through Huduma Centres and also to academicians who would use this study as a source of reference.
Key Words: Automation, Service Delivery, Huduma Centres
CITATION: Odhiambo, W. O., & Okello, B. (2019). Influence of automation systems on service delivery in selected Huduma Centers in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2259 – 2271.
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