The study explored the influence of technology on the performance of Electronic Procurement systems in Kenya Parastatals: A case study of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization. The study adopted a descriptive research design and drew its target population from all the 84 employees of the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization Africa (Kenya) Limited. Data was collected using well-structured questionnaires from both top and middle-level employees of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization. A pilot test was conducted using questionnaires administered to 8 members of staff. This constituted 10% of the respondents of the sample size; purposive sampling was used to select top management and departmental heads while random sampling was used to select other employees. Data collected was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics and inferential analysis using statistical package for social science (SPSS). Findings from the study established integration of technology as the main key components of Procurement performance. Technology was found to have contributed to the enhanced performance of the Electronic Procurement system through improved efficiency, the creation of better understanding and flexibility in the procurement processes and also aiding at the reduction of errors that might occur along the supply chain cycle and boost user support confidence on the use of Electronic Procurement systems.
Key Words: Technology, Electronic Procurement Systems, KARLO
CITATION: Kimani, D. N., & Juma, D. (2019). Influence of technology on performance of electronic procurement systems in Kenya owned parastatals: A case study of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2369 – 2378.
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