Although the government has made several efforts of commercializing agriculture through marketing and trade, the off take of marketed livestock in the country has alarmingly stood at a low level. Commercialization of livestock is particularly limited to few sales in terms of skins and hides in the market. It is against this backbone that the current study sought to establish the determinants of livestock commercialisation among pastoral communities in Isiolo County. The design adopted by the study was descriptive and a total of 163 buyers from the community of Borana were targeted forming the study population. Census was employed resulting into 163 respondents as the study sample size. Questionnaires were used for collecting data from these respondents. Means, standard deviations and regression analysis were employed for extracting meaning from the data collected. The analysed data was presented using tables and figures. The study established that infrastructure; livestock marketing system, cultural barriers and price all positively influence livestock commercialisation among pastoral communities. The study concluded that infrastructure; livestock marketing system, cultural barriers and price all have direct and significant effect on livestock commercialisation among pastoral communities. The study recommended to the County government of Isiolo to improve on the livestock marketing systems in place by effectively organizing livestock operating in person to person systems. All pastoral communities were encouraged to improve on their cultural behavior by buy many cattle’s due to the high dowry. The county government of Isiolo should regulations for guiding the price mechanisms of livestock product. All Counties with pastoral communities in Kenya should improve on road and other transport infrastructures by removal of export barriers and increasing accessibility to water and fodder.
Key Words: Livestock Marketing System, Cultural Behaviour, Pricing, Transport Infrastructure, Livestock Commercialisation
CITATION: Shabana, A. H., & Matanda, J. W. (2019). Determinants of livestock commercialisation on pastoral communities in Isiolo County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2413 – 2429.
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