The purpose of this study was to analyze product quality as a factor influencing procurement performance in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in beverage industry, a case of Almasi beverage limited, Eldoret. The study was guided by the specific objective; to assess the effect of supply chain product quality on procurement performance. The theory relevant to the study was product quality theory that indicated how the variable linked up with it. The study adopted a descriptive research design. This study targeted a population of 140 employees of Almasi beverage limited Eldoret. The study employed census since all respondents were manageable. The study used primary data collected through open and closed ended questionnaires. Data was edited, coded and tabulated in preparation for analysis with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 22.0) program and presented through tables. Descriptively data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics that included frequencies, percentages and means while inferential statistics regression was employed to test the relationship between dependent and independent variable. The study findings was of significance to the management of Almasi beverage limited and Government policy implementation since it provided recommendations on how they could effectively maintain and improve on sustainability of procurement performance function.
Key Words: Product Quality, Supply Chain and Performance
CITATION: Chepleting, F., & Musau, E. (2019). Influence of supply chain product quality on performance of Kenya beverage industry: A case of Almasi Beverages Limited, Eldoret. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (2), 2526 – 2532.
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