The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of project management practices on implementation of youth projects in Mombasa County, Kenya. The scope of the study focused on youth projects in Mombasa County because of the proximity of the researcher and the ease of collecting data. This was however, a representation of the whole country. The study adopted a descriptive research design that was suitable as it gave useful information on attitudes that would be difficult to measure with other techniques. Structured questionnaire were used to collect primary data. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire and found to be valid and reliable for use. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 20. A sample of 109 respondents from the whole population was considered. A 52.3% response rate was realized. Regression analysis was used to find the relation among study variables and the findings were that 88.9% of the relationship was explained by the study variables. The study confirmed that the four project management practices; project stakeholder engagement, project leadership, project monitoring and project risk management were practiced and were significant in implementation of youth projects in Mombasa County. The other 11.1% were not researched in this study and were thereby explained by other factors not considered in this research. The value of F was (103.720) at 0.00 level of significance therefore was less than P value of 0.05. The value of F was greater than F critical value of 2.55 presenting that the overall model was significant in that project stakeholder engagement, project leadership, project monitoring and project risk management has an effect on youth projects implementation in Mombasa County. The researcher recommended that policy makers dealing with youth projects activities to consider the findings of this study when implementing policies related to youth project financing and execution. Since project management practices affect implementation of these projects significantly, some aspects of the findings would therefore be of value to all interested parties involved.
Key terms: Project Stakeholders Engagement, Project Implementation, Project Leadership, Project Monitoring, Project Risk Management
CITATION: Mulewa, J. F., Kising’u, T. M., & Oyoo, J. J. (2019). Effect of project management practices on implementation of youth projects in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 466 – 485.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i3.1330
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