This study aimed at finding out the influence of quality improvement practices on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in Makueni, Kenya. Quality improvement practices are a set of activities designed to bring about a desired superior performance. In school management, they are geared towards improvement of learning abilities that leads to better results in national examinations. This study aimed at finding out the influence of selected quality improvement practices to academic performance. The study targeted a population of 668 teachers. A sample of 108 teachers was used. Descriptive research was used with stratified sampling being adopted to ensure that schools at all levels were well captured in the study. Primary data was collected by use of closed ended questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlations done using Pearson’s moment correlation coefficient to establish if there existed a relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. Regression analysis was done to establish effect of the independent variables to the changes in the dependent variable. From the questionnaires received, it was found out that 89 teachers responded representing about 82.41% of the targeted sample population. Among the findings, it was realized that extra contact time with students, practical work in sciences and timely syllabus coverage was among the three top strategies that enhance improvement of academic performance. In addition it was found that the mean of quality improvement strategies were higher in highly performing schools that were found in the extra county and county categories. The sub-county category schools had lower means on their responses on quality improvement practices. The research recommended that the government train all school administrators on strategic management and leadership skills that are necessary in enabling teachers identify and formulate suitable practices for improvement of academic performance.
Key words: Quality improvement, academic performance, remedial teaching, syllabus coverage, strategic management
CITATION: Mwaura, H. K. (2019). Influence of quality improvement practices on academic performance. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 562 – 574.
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