The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of school administration on students’ performance in KCSE in public secondary schools Kamukunji Sub-County. The research was based on Ludwig Von Bertalanffy's system theory of organizations. The target population was all the six public secondary schools, all the six principals, all the ninety teachers and four hundred and twenty form three and three hundred form four students from public secondary schools in Kamukunji sub-county. The study employed convergent parallel mixed research design where both descriptive survey and phenomenology design research designs were used. Simple random sampling was used in this research to sample the learners and purposive sampling was used to sample the principals and teachers. Questionnaires were used to gather student and teacher information while interview guides were used to gather principals’ information. Pilot testing was conducted to evaluate the validity and reliability of research instruments. Reliability was determined using the Alpha Coefficient technique of Cronbach. Qualitative data generated in the study was organized into themes and patterns, grouped through content analysis and then narrated. Findings established that: the school principal role of instruction supervision influenced academic performance of students. The roles were; checking professional documents like schemes of work , records of work, lessons plan and attendance register; classroom observation which involved observing teaching and learning activities, checking students’ notebooks and visiting students in classrooms monthly. The study recommended that Teachers Service Commission should appoint head teachers who are experienced in instruction supervision. This would ensure adequate planning, organization and execution of obligations. It also ensured that the schools have measures to observe progress in terms of work plans and the schemes of work.
Key words: Academic Performance; Instructional supervision; Physical facilities; Principal; School administration; Teaching and learning materials.
CITATION: Osiri, F. K., Sr. Piliiyesi, E., & Ateka, F. (2019). School administration and student’s KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Kamukunji Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 636 – 647.
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