This study sought to establish the determinants of strategy implementation among transport firms. The objectives were formulated around issues such as organizational structure, Strategic Leadership, Organizational structure and Organization Resources. Research hypothesis formed around the specific objectives of study was used to test the study. The scope of study was limited to the objectives of study with the study location being the selected transport firms in Mombasa County. The study adopted a descriptive study design targeting 200 employees from the top-level management staff from the operations, supply chain, finance and logistics departments from the 20 transport firms in Mombasa. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the primary data which was to be administered using drop-pick-later method. Regression analysis was used to test the effect or influence among the variables. The regression results the strategic management determinants of strategic leadership, organization resources and organization structures had a significant statistically in explaining strategy implementation. The study revealed a positive relationship between the independent variables in the study and strategy implementation. The findings of the study revealed that organizational resources and organizational culture were major factors affecting implementation of strategy. The findings also revealed that majority of the respondents agreed organizational structure and strategy alignment is the key to successful strategy implementation under the stewardship of strategic leadership. The researcher recommended that resources be equitably distributed for the effective implementation of strategy and each task be broken down and allocated the amount of resources required to perform the task. It was also recommended that alignment of the structure to the strategy for successful implementation was necessary while ensuring the stewardship of the company during implementation was under the right leadership with a strategic focus.
Key Words: Organizational Structure, Strategic Leadership, Organizational Structure, Organization Resources
CITATION: Ondiek, M. H., & Lewa, E. (2019). Determinants of strategy implementation in the heavy commercial road transport firms in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 648 – 663.
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