The dynamics of change in the micro and macro environments have exerted a lot of pressure on many firms to develop strategies for survival and sustainability in the market places. Postal Corporation of Kenya is experiencing challenges in achieving superior performance relative to its rivals due to liberalization, which has allowed the entry of dynamic exclusively owned courier services into the business arena which PCK initially had monopoly over. The constant shifts in customer preferences, coupled with technological innovations have aggravated its performance. Today, if a business has to be successful, it must have capacity to oversee and adapt to fast forward change by utilizing their technological capabilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of technological capabilities on market performance of PCK in Western region. The study was guided by Resource Based View and Dynamic Capability Theories. A descriptive survey design was utilized on target population of 198 employees of PCK in the western region. A descriptive survey design was utilized on target population of 198 employees of PCK in the western region. Proportionate sampling was employed to select the sixty respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.7508 was used to test content validity and reliability implying that the research instruments were reliable as the value was way above the recommended 0.7 in social sciences. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20) was used in coding and analyzing quantitative data. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as use of mean, standard deviation and Regression models were used in the study. Findings of the study showed statistically positive and significant influence of technological capability on market performance of PCK in Western region. It was therefore concluded that technological capability accounted for 83.5% (R2 = 0.835) variations in the market performance of PCK. The study recommended that PCK should frequently undertake market surveys in order to understand customer preferences so that they innovate or invent products & services based on customers’ preferences’.
Key Words: Technological capabilities, Market Performance, Postal Corporation of Kenya
CITATION: Asisi, G. I., Munir, M., Otiso, K. N., & Abuya, J. O. (2019). Technological capabilities and market performance of the postal corporation of Kenya in western region. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 670 – 678.
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