The purpose of this study was to look into the causes and effects of massive youth idleness in Kenyan urban streets. The rate at which idle graduates roamed the streets after higher education or so constituted social malice to the whole country. This paper relied basically on secondary data sources and adopted descriptive approach and analysis of researches of other scholars in empirical data gathering. From the findings it was revealed that idleness among youths in Kenya was caused by five major challenges and five major effects created tension and hatred between the haves and have not in society, thus leading to communal clashes and the rise of communal associated gang groups such as mungiki, chinkororo, bagidad boys, musumbiji and Al shaabab. More so these militant groups were characterized by; armed robbery, public mugging, extortion, prostitution and child trafficking. All these constituted hiccups to security of lives and properties. Furthermore, the findings revealed that idleness among Kenyan youth increased from 17.1% in 2015 to 20.1% in 2017 with youth unemployment rates at over 55% a group that constitutes 67% of the population. More significantly, this study tried to urge the government through its recommendation to create labour market that would work better for the youths absorption hence reducing idleness. There was need for heavy investment in education that catered for modern issues to enable the youth becomes self-reliance instead of job seekers through skills development and training.
Keywords: Causes, Effects, Youth Idleness
CITATION: Balongo C. V., Okuto, E., & Wamuyu, T. W. (2019). Causes and effects of youth idling on urban streets in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 694 – 702.
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