This study determined the factors affecting implementation of constituency development fund projects in Mvita constituency of Mombasa County. The specific objectives of the study included; investigating the effect of funding on project implementation; to establish the effect of training on project implementation; to examine the effects of organisation structure on project implementation and to determine the effects of stakeholder relationships on the implementation of projects of Mvita constituency. The research used a survey research design and a target population of 31 respondents. The sampling technique adopted was a census since the target population was small hence all 31 participants were involved in the study. A pilot study was done to test the validity and reliability of the research instruments. Data was collected through questionnaires, coded and analysed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics i.e KMO and Bartlett tests, total variance, correlation and regression analysis and presented in tables. The study found that; project funding has a significant and positive relationship with project implementation; project training has a significant and positive relationship with project implementation; involvement of technical officers has a significant and positive relationship with project implementation and stakeholder relationships have a significant and positive relationship with project implementation. Based on the findings, the study made the following recommendations: the committee project at Mvita constituency to create awareness on project participation and put into consideration the views and concern of all stakeholders when planning and implementing a project; project committee members at the Mvita constituency to ensure that, they hire qualified and competent project managers that have the skills to plan and implement projects and project committee members at Mvita constituency need to follow the guidelines as spelt out in the CDF act.
Key Words: project implementation, training, organisation structure, stakeholder relationships, CDF
CITATION: Mahamud, Z., Muchelule, Y., & Ogolla, P. (2019). Factors affecting implementation of National Government projects in Mvita Constituency of Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (3), 788 – 803.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i3.1358
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