Knowledge management has been studied in many contexts especially in entrepreneurship and corporate sectors. However scanty research has been done on knowledge management in social enterprises especially in Kenya. Social entrepreneurship has an economic and social mission that may complicate its knowledge management practices.
This research investigated the role of knowledge management on performance of social enterprises in Kenya. The first specific objective was to find out the role of organizational knowledge needs identification on performance of social enterprises in Kenya. The second objective was to establish the role of knowledge acquisition practices on performance of social enterprises in Kenya. The third specific objective was to establish the role of knowledge protection practices on performance of social enterprises in Kenya. The final objective was to establish the role of knowledge sharing on performance of the same organizations in Kenya.
Twelve social enterprises in Nairobi with knowledge management practices were selected for the study. A sample of 90 individuals was to be interviewed from the 12 organizations. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview guides and review organizations’ document. Data was analyzed through quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data was analyzed by descriptive statistics using computer program SPSS version 21.0 and presented in form of tables, pie charts and graphs. Thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data.
Key Words: Knowledge Management, Social Enterprises
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