There has been a reflux of funds to implement Orphans and Vulnerable Children projects in Kajiado County and in Kenya in general, yet despite this, no long term sustainability of the projects. The study sought evidence on how fundraising structures, stakeholder’s capacity, employee competence and governance affects the sustainability of Orphans and Vulnerable Children projects in Kajiado County in Kenya. Descriptive research design was adopted with a target population of 496 respondents, including 364 project officers and 132 project coordinators in NGOs in Kajiado County. Multi-stage random sampling was used to select 85 project officers and 60 project coordinators resulting in a total sample size of 145 respondents. Secondary data was obtained from NGO’s publications that touched on sustained projects. Primary data was obtained from questionnaire survey. The reliability of the data collection tool was tested using the test retest method while the content validity of the tool was discussed by the supervisor and other professionals in the field. Primary survey data was analyzed using SPSS. Multiple regression showed that fundraising structures and capacity, stakeholders’ capacity, employee competence and governance have a positive effect on sustainability of OVC projects. The study recommended that fundraising structures and capacity to be enhanced through promoting income generating activities to provide finances for projects, staff training and capacity building on fundraising skills, networking and collaborations. Stakeholders’ capacity to be enhanced through training and capacity building, offering competitive allowances. Employee competence to be enhanced through training, attending seminars and workshops, coaching, offering competitive remuneration. Governance to be enhanced through involvement of the top leadership in activities of the organization, having favorable policies and democracy in governance. More studies should be carried out in other counties in order to point out other factors influencing sustainability of Orphans and Vulnerable Children projects to ensure impact of the OVC projects is sustained long after the grants are completed.
Key words: Fundraising Structures and Capacity, Stakeholder’s Capacity, Employee Competence on Sustainability, Governance On Sustainability, Vulnerable Children Projects
CITATION: Jentrix, J. K.,& Nyang’au, S. P. (2019). Factors affecting sustainability of orphans and vulnerable children projects in Kajiado County in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 35 – 49.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i4.1370
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