The general objective of the study was to establish the effect of electronic procurement on procurement performance of state corporations in Mombasa County. Specifically the study aimed at establishing how Electronic sourcing affects procurement performance, secondly: To study the effects of Electronic payment on procurement performance and to establish the effect of Electronic auctions on procurement performance of state corporations in Mombasa County. To measure the effect of the electronic procurement system on procurement performance, the researcher utilized a descriptive research design. The study adopted a census study of all the state corporations in Mombasa County and utilized the key informant approach. Data was collected from supply chain officers, ICT officers and finance officers by use of a questionnaire. The population of the study constituted 102 respondents across the 34 state corporations in Mombasa County. In conducting the study the researcher used limited financial resources prudently to get as much data as possible. The geographical disparity of the state corporation was a major challenge to timely collection of data. Respondent’s accessibility was a major hindrance as some respondents were on leave while others were in meetings and seminars. Data was analyzed and presented in frequency tables. A regression analysis was conducted to establish the relationship between electronic procurement and procurement performance. Data was presented using frequency tables and key findings derived from this data were discussed. Conclusions were drawn from the findings and revealed that state corporations have adopted electronic procurement. The study also revealed further that electronic procurement has led to procurement performance success. The correlation analysis between independent and dependent variable had a strong positive correlation.
Key Words: Electronic sourcing, Electronic payment, Electronic Auctions, Procurement Performance
CITATION: Nyamawi, L. M., & Kitheka, S. (2019). Effect of electronic procurement on procurement performance of state corporations in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 90 – 104.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i4.1374
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