The study focused on investigating the influence of contract management practices on supply chain performance of state corporations in the ministry of energy. The researcher established the influence of relationship management, contract administration, contract appraisal and contract closure on supply chain performance as the specific objectives of the study. The literature review introduced various dimensions on influence of contract management practices on supply chain performance. Descriptive research design was used for the study and the questionnaire was the main data collection instrument. Target population for this study was 395 professionals involved in contract management in the state corporations in the ministry of Energy. The study adopted a stratified sampling method since the population was not homogenous. A sample size of 198 respondents derived from Yamane`s method was used. Primary data was collected through administering of questionnaires to the staff of the state corporations. The study used Cronbach alpha coefficient to determine reliability of the instrument in the study and analysis of data was done using SPSS version 21 since it allows data sets to be loaded more easily making it user friendly. This study therefore would be useful to the government in enhancing accountability and transparency, to encouraging improvement and confidence in the appropriate use of public funds, and at reinforcing the effectiveness. The study findings indicated that the four variables, that is relationship management, contract administration, post contract appraisal and contract closure positively and significantly affect supply chain performance. As such, state corporations should embrace more relationship management. The study recommended that future studies should focus on the other sectors. In conclusion, the findings showed that 66% of the supply chain performance is explained by the four variables and the remaining 34% was accounted by the standard error.
Key words; Relationship Management, Contract Administration, Post Contract Appraisal, Contract Closure, Supply Chain Performance
CITATION: Kolani, J. S., & Miroga, J. B. (2019). Influence of contract management practices on supply chain performance of state corporations in the ministry of energy. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 571 – 587
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