Social scientists have established that motivated employees help organizations to achieve their goals including improved employee performance and productivity. The hospitality industry is a labour intensive sector that relies on employees for quality service delivery to customers. However, motivation level among employees is questionable owing to high employee performance as well as closures of many ventures in the industry. In Kisumu County, five two star rated hotels closed down and a total of one hundred and fifty employees lost their positions in star rated hotels in the county thereby putting employee motivation in the area into question. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of motivation on employee performance among star rated hotels in Kisumu County. Specific objective was to establish the influence of employee recognition on employee performance. Hertzberg’s two factor theory of motivation was used to guide the study. Quantitative research method was adopted by the study. Target population was one four-star hotel, 3 three star hotels and four two star hotels making a total of eight hotels with a population of three hundred and twenty employees. This comprised of employees in the management positions and non-management employees. Yamane’s formula was used to calculate a sample size of respondents who were selected through simple random technique. Data was collected by means of questionnaire. Validity was achieved through content validity while reliability was computed from pilot test data, where Cronbach’s alpha attained employee recognition and employee performance. Quantitative data was analysed by means of descriptive statistics and correlation. Linear and Multiple Regression was used to measure the relationship between motivation and employee performance. It was found that employee performance is influenced by recognition to a moderate extent. It was concluded that recognition contribute to significant changes in employee performance. It was recommended that motivation in terms of recognition should be provided to ensure that their benefits are achieved.
Key words: Motivational Factors, Recognition, Employee Performance, Star-Rated Hotels
CITATION: Nyaoke, G. O.,& Amuhaya, J. (2019). Influence of selected motivational factors on employee’s performance among star rated hotels in Kisumu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 667 – 677
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