It is generally anticipated that well managed coaching would lead to high productivity. The uptake of coaching in most organizations is however below the expectation. The study sought to establish the influence of coaching on employee productivity. The study was based on Talent Based Theory, Resource Based Theory and Human Capital theory. The research was conducted in the five selected Public Universities in Western Kenya which had a population of 8114 permanent and pensionable staff. A sample size of 381 respondents was sampled. The researcher used ANOVA and regression coefficients to analyze the data. The findings showed that a one-unit improvement in coaching would eventually improve employee productivity by 0.699 units in public universities in Western Kenya. Coaching was established to have a significant effect on employee productivity in Public Universities in Western Kenya (β=.699; p=.000≤.05). These findings would be used by employers to manage the available talents in public universities. It would also guide government on formulating policies on coaching and employee productivity.
Keywords: Coaching, Employee Productivity, Public Universities, Western Kenya
CITATION Simiyu, V. N., Muganda, M. M., & Olang’o, J. A. (2019). Coaching and employee productivity in public universities in Western Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 737 – 744
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