The principle of this study was to assess the factors influencing the implementation of performance metrics in the logistics industry with particular emphasis in the Kenyan logistical firms. The study aimed at establishing the effect of environmental dynamics, I.C.T, human resource management and logistics collaboration on performance of the logistical industry in Kenya. The study focused on the 2011 employees of the Ballore logistics where a sample of 95 employees was selected. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data which was analyzed by descriptive statistics and the regression model. The findings revealed a positive and a statistically significant relationship between environmental dynamics and the implementation of performance metrics in logistic firms and that the relationship between information technology and the implementation of performance metrics in logistic firms was positive and statistically not significant respectively. The study also found that human resource management had a positive and statistically significant relationship with the implementation of performance metrics in logistic firms in Kenya. Finally, the study found that logistics collaboration had a positive and statistically significant relationship with the implementation of performance metrics in logistic firms in Kenya. The study concluded that environmental dynamics, human resource management and logistics collaboration significantly affects the implementation of performance metrics in logistic firms in Kenya. The study recommended that the management of logistic firms in Kenya should develop effective policy strategies and mechanisms on environmental dynamics, human resource management and logistics collaboration to enhance performance of their logistic firms.
Key Words: Environmental Dynamics, I.C.T, Human Resource Management, Logistics Collaboration
CITATION Gicheru, L. C., & Moronge, M. (2019). Influence of performance metrics in logistical firms in Kenya. A case of Bollore Logistics. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 761 – 776
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