This study sought to establish effect of strategic planning on performance of Civil Registration Department, Nairobi Kenya. The variables under study were resource allocation, infrastructure development, employee development, organizational Culture and performance. The study adapted descriptive research design since it describes the events the way they are. The sample size of the study was 120 respondents which were drawn from the targeted population of 600 employees in Civil Registration Department. The study used the stratified sampling technique since it gives equal chances to all strata. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. The collected data was analysed quantitatively and presented in tables. The study found that financial resources help an organization to remain as a relevant factor in the organizations performance. The study found that organizations have optimal level of advancing to new technology which maintains relevance in the competitive market. The study also found that employee development helps a company to remain the very important factor in the organizations performance; the study found state departments that had a unique and stable organizational culture develop strong business processes that were anchored on the organizations vision and values. The study recommended that there was need for the government to factor increase on budgetary allocation to civil department, need for the government to sustain the infrastructural development on accessibility of the state departments’ ICT requirements and physical accessibility was also recommended. Study recommended that there is need for the government to enhance their Performance and delivery; there is need for the government to recommend more of organizational culture for identity and to enhance departmental performance.
Key Words: Resource Allocation, Infrastructure Development, Employee Development, Organizational Culture, Performance
CITATION: Sakagwa, D. N., & Moronge, M. (2019). Effect of strategic planning elements on performance of civil registration department in Nairobi, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1021 – 1035
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v6i4.1446
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