The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between organizational culture and implementation of Strategic plans in Nyamira County government in Kenya. The study was based on the implementation theories. It employed descriptive research design to target 195 respondents comprised of employees working in Nyamira county government. Stratified sampling technique was used to categorize the 59 respondents according to their departments. Further, the study was incorporated primary data by closed ended questionnaires. To test reliability and validity of the study, the pre-test item analysis was conducted at two different points in the study. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviations. Inferential statistics was done by correlation analysis. The study showed that the competent management include framework for social responsibility and the company cooperate all job seekers as well to customers to pay has the highest mean. The results showed the company cooperated to all job seekers as well to customers to pay. Organization culture showed that the leadership in the organization is generally considered to exemplify mentoring, facilitating, or nurturing and the organization is a very controlled and cultured place. From the results, it was shown that the leadership in the organization culture is generally considered to exemplify mentoring, facilitating, or nurturing. The County had an Organization's culture that supports implementation of documented strategies in the master plan and county strategies are made to adopt change in organization culture communicated to all employees.
Key Words: Organizational Culture, Strategic Plans
CITATION: Okerio, M., & Muturi, W. (2019). Relationship between institutional factors and implementation of strategic plans of county government in Kenya: A case of Nyamira County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1079 – 1089
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