The study’s main objective was to assess the determinants of competency development at the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA). Specifically, the study sought to establish the effects of motivation, recruitment, training and performance measurement on competency development at EPRA. The study employed descriptive type of research to ensure that data both quantitative and qualitative was collected from a sample of the entire population of 113 employees. The study’s entire population was stratified according to cadres and a sample size of 57 respondents selected which represented 50 percent of the total population. Questionnaires were used for data collection. The data collected was analyzed through the use of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The study found that all the four independent variables of recruitment, training, performance management and motivation collectively had an effect on the dependent variable of competency development. Generally, the respondents agreed that recruitment influenced competency development. On the variable of training, the respondents agreed that training had effects on competency development. The third variable of performance management had an influence on competency development. Finally, motivation had an effect on competency development. On correlation, the study found out that motivation had the strongest correlation, followed by training, recruitment and finally performance management with the lowest correlation. Further, the study established that employees considered recruitment as the least determinant of competency development. The study recommended that the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority should take into account recruitment, training, performance management and motivation so as to ensure competence development. The researcher recommended improving conditions in order to gain a higher level of work motivation and improve outcomes.
Key Words: Motivation, Recruitment, Training, Performance Measurement, Competency Development
CITATION: Ayodo, E. A., & Ogolla, D. (2019). Determinants of competency development in Kenyan Regulatory Institutions. A case of Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6 (4), 1494 – 1516.
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