This paper discussed the role of organizational culture in the effective management of teams and organizational performance. The paper offered a shift in interest from performance at the individual and organizational level to the team or group level. The design for the paper was theoretical, as such it offered indepth discourse on the concepts – organizational culture, team management and organizational performance, and also drew on theories and research content which identify and support the evidence of a relationship between organizational culture, team management and organizational performance. In conclusion, it was stated that organizational culture is a strong indicator of the positioning and effectiveness of teams in the organization; and to a substantial extent, determines the usefulness of such teams to the overall success and performance of the organization.
Keywords: Organizational culture, team management, adaptiveness, innovativeness
CITATION: Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Keremah, O. M. (2020). Organizational culture and team management: A panacea for organizational performance. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 131 – 139.
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