This study investigated the relationship between work environment and organizational survival of bottling companies in Port Harcourt. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey in its investigation of the variables. Primary data was generated through self-administered questionnaire. The population of the study was 122 employees of two (2) selected companies. The sample size of 93 was determined using the Taro Yamane’s formula for sample size determination. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by the use of the Crombach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. Data generated were analyzed and presented using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Statistics. The tests were carried out at a 95% confidence interval and a 0.05 level of significance. The study findings revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between work environment and organizational survival of bottling companies in Port Harcourt. The study recommended that management of bottling companies should provide and sustain good organizational climate and healthy work environment that is conflict free should be encouraged by management to facilitate high productivity and attainment. This will be attained through good working conditions, health and safety of the employees, good pay and benefits and good supervision.
Keywords: Work Environment, Organizational Survival, Adaptability, Flexibility
CITATION: Promise, G. C. (2020). Work environment and organizational survival of soft drinks bottling companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 273 – 287.
Full Text:
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