This study focused on establishing the influence of contextual framework on mitigating building failures in Kenya. The study population was drawn from institutions in both the National and County Governments involved in Policy and Legal formulation, planning and enforcement as well as regulatory professional bodies in the building sector. The total target population was eight hundred and seventy-seven (877) respondents, within the two levels of government. The study used stratified random sampling technique in selecting the sample. The sample size was 275 respondents. Primary data which was largely quantitative and descriptive in nature was collected by use of structured questionnaires. The questionnaire was pilot-tested to test whether the instruments were reliable and valid before administering in the actual study. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, the mean, standard deviation and standard errors were used in describing the data. From the findings, bribery mostly takes place during inspections, design and approval stage of the building process thus exposing buildings to failures. It was recommended that penalties and sanction should be imposed on both contractors and building professionals involved in bribery and those who use anothodox construction method and faulty designs respectively to enhance discipline and to reduce building failure in the building sector. Thorough vetting of the building professionals should be done to give them a chance to defend their ethical/moral standing while annual renewal of practicing licenses should not be issued to professionals found guilty of corruption offenses. The study suggested a further research be conducted on the influence of governance framework on mitigating infrastructural project failures in Kenya.
Key Words: Contextual Framework, Building Failures
CITATION: Bucha, P. M., Juma, D., & Onyango, J. (2020). Influence of contextual framework on mitigating building failures in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 311 – 325.
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