The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of project team on implementation of irrigation water management improvement projects. The focus of the study was on the project consultants, project contractors, project client and project beneficiaries of the Mwea irrigation water management improvement project, Mwea, Kenya. The problem the study seeks to address is implementation of irrigation water management improvement projects with regards to the project team. The research designs for this study were descriptive and correlation research designs. Descriptive research design will be used to measure the centrality of data through measures of mean and standard deviation. Correlation research design was used to measure the relationships of the variables under investigation. The study sampled 133 respondents drawn from four villages within Mwea area. A questionnaire was used to collect data which includes close-ended and Likert scale question items. The descriptive analysis of the influence of project team on implementation of irrigation projects showed that the highest mean score observed was for project team variable was type of skills influence project time as 68.5 % of the respondents agreed that they influence completion of projects in time. The least contributing factor among the project team variable was project teamwork influence project time as cited by 31.5 % of the respondents. The study concludes that project team factors influence the implementation of irrigation projects. The study recommends that it is important for the project team to be constituted during the planning stages and not only during the implementation of the project. This will allow the project team to be more committed to the project through teamwork. This study, thus, proposes that further studies should be carried out to determine other factors which contribute to 53% variations in implementation of irrigation water development projects.
Key Words: Implementation of Irrigation Water Management Projects, Project Team, Critical Success Factors.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.156
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