The general objective of the study was to establish the influence of public procurement reforms on service delivery in Bungoma County Government. The study adopted a descriptive research design to conduct the study across a target population of 77 employees working in four key departments in the county government of Bungoma; Procurement, Finance, ICT and Monitoring and Evaluation. The study adopted the census technique to incorporate all the target employees in the four departments. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires administered through drop and pick method. Data was analyzed using SPSS where descriptive and inferential statistics were computed. Analyzed data was presented in form of tables and graphs. Both descriptive and inferential analysis revealed that all the study’ conceptualized variables (AGPO implementation, public participation, public advertisement of tenders and implementation of IFMIS) significantly influenced service delivery (dependent variable). The study concluded that one, AGPO implementations increases access to government procurement opportunities which is paramount for effective service delivery, two, public participation in the procurement process encourages transparency and openness in the county government’s procurement system which can be trusted by all stakeholders and bidders and three, public advertisement of tenders and eventual award wins public trust in the county government’s procurement process. The study recommended that one, the county government procurement committee must effect implement AGPO principles to ensure women, youths and people abled differently access government procurement opportunities, two, there should be effective public participation in the procurement process to win public trust in the county government procurement system, three, there should be public advertisement of tenders and the eventual award of those tenders to confirm to the public that those awarded tenders won through a competitive procurement process; and four, county government should effectively implement the IFMIS platform to minimize procurement costs associated with the manual procurement system and enhance service delivery in the county government.
Key Words: AGPO Implementation, Public Participation, Public Advertisements, IFMIS Implementation. Service Delivery
CITATION: Matanga, M. O., & Miroga, J. (2020). Influence of public procurement reforms on service delivery in the County Government of Bungoma. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 701 – 719.
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