The major objective of this study was to assess the influence of training programs on performance of staff at Kakamega County General Hospital Kenya. The study was expected to help the County Government and the Hospital to understand ways on how to motivate their employees through training programs. The study used descriptive research design to establish the factors influencing the occurrences, out comes or conditions or type of behavior in the target population. Target population was health workers serving in the hospital. Purposive sampling was used for senior managers while stratified sampling method was used to select consultants, heads of departments, middle level managers and other health workers working across all the departments within the facility. Data collection was from a sample size of respondents. The use of questionnaires was the major data collection instrument, data collected was analyzed using qualitative analysis method, by the help of SPSS program and presented inform of frequencies, tables, and graphs. Regression model was used to determine the co-efficient on the influence of training on health worker’s performance. From the analysis most studies showed empirical evidence that there is significant influence of training programs on health worker’s performance in county government hospitals in Kenya. The study highly recommended that the hospital should sufficiently identify relevant training areas and achieve them through its training programs so that the hospital health workers’ skills improve enhancing morale of the employees resulting to high performance. The study also recommended training programs to be known to the staff and properly communicated enabling them to participate in team building program of the unit.
Key Words: Staff Training, Performance of Health Workers
CITATION: Omondi, T. M., Amuhaya, J., & Juma, D. (2020). Influence of training programs on performance of health workers at Kakamega County General Hospital. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 827 – 836.
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